What makes a Good Neighbourhood

Aerial view of town, houses with gardens, green park with trees

There’s an old saying that the three most important things in real estate are location, location, location.  When you’re house hunting, it’s important to remember that when you buy a home you’re also buying the neighbourhood.

You can get a sense of the community by visiting the area you’re considering on different days of the week, and at different times of the day.  Talk to residents—they’re a wealth of knowledge about area amenities and community spirit.  Read the local newspaper  to get up to date on current initiatives and upcoming developments.  You might even visit a local community center to get an overview of what’s going on in the area.

The resale potential of the neighbourhood is important to assist you in your research and search, with my qualified services, I can create a report for you, showing the properties listed, and sold in the area and discuss appreciation in property values to help you make an informed decision.